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Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Candy Kane Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:18 pm

» IMPORTANT: Please Read!
Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Candy Kane Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:30 pm

» Sacred Four
Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Candy Kane Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:06 pm

» A Surprise!
Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Candy Kane Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:00 pm

» NickName Username - ACTIVITY
Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Coal Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:11 pm

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Tsume Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:46 pm

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Tsume Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:44 pm

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby WP STAFF Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:37 pm

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Emptyby Candy Kane Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:49 pm

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 9:53 am

First topic message reminder :

Sacred Four is the four trees found in the very center of Glaciel. The temperature here is mostly affected by the time of the year and kept stable; the only place in Glaciel where seasons make sense because the Moon Shard is just at the right angle in the sky. On each tree, which are pine, is the symbol for each pack depending on which direction that tree faces. This place is often used for peaceful meeting and general thoughts amongst the wolves themselves. However, this place may also be dangerous for the Rogi and Assassins that walk it, along with predators, so it has it's pros and cons.

Prey: All Sorts
Predators: All Sorts
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 5:27 pm

Image after image flashed through Arraine's mind starting with her exile she recalled every moment and each flash of pain then finding the other wolves then back to her exile then the meteor. She now felt the pain in her side it felt like someone plunged a red hot spear through her flank. Arraine began to writhe with pain when she felt someone nudge her muzzle her icy eyes fluttered open as her breathing slowed to normal the air was hot. “I need to help them!" Was her first thought which she immediately banished how could she help the others when she couldn't help herself. She started to stand up failing once before getting to her paws. She shook her head trying to clear the horrible memories she gave up after a few moments adrenalin pulsed through her veins with each beat of her racing heart she took inventory of every one who was in the rubble Coal,Amber,Kaine,and herself. There where two missing wolves the other from Nomaria and Phantom. Arraine winced as new pain spread through her flank she sat down and tried to pull the smaller splinters that remained in the open wound, she was on the third when she couldn't hide the pain anymore she whimpered quietly as she pulled the rest out. There was one more deep into the wound that she couldnt pull out. Arraine stood once more and looked into the bowl she gasped seeing one tree hadn't been destroyed and note the marks of all four packs she decided against telling Coal.
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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 2:21 pm

This post really sucks..Just a warning. No time to catch up all the way, and there's many errors since this is being written from a mobile. Bear with me please. I will be more active once I get my Christmas break from college.


It was chaotic to begin with; all these wolves coming from all over the place, and the ivory domini found himself withdraw from the crowd by the second. Too much was happening, and Phantom could not keep up with it. Due to this, his temper heated like molten lava, all his words slithering out venomously towards the wolves. His fur spiked upwards while sneering, a grimace written across his maw, and blood stained incisors jolting from his chops. "I hate it here," Words would grumble from his agape chops, to nobody particular, then landed his eyes upon Amber before turning away and retreating to solitude. His limbs carried his frame as far as he could until the surrounding were completely mute. Phantom was alone - and loved it. 

Heavy eyelids closed in relaxation, a feathery chest rising and falling as the Domini took several breaths to ease his tension, but the temperature grew thick and it was slightly difficult to breathe. Phantom aimed his muzzle to the sky, but trees blocked his sight, but he saw something falling towards him with great speed. Within a blink of the eye, the earth cracked between his paws, and his frame was mid air from the impact, and landed with a bone-aching thud. "What.. the hell..." His cranial mass ached, and his eyesight was so dizzy Phantom swore stars circled above him. He rose to all fours, but whined with gritted teeth as one of his stockings gave out beneath him.   
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Location : At that one place, in that one time, with that one thing...

Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 9:12 pm

Lydda turned her head just as Kaine began to pad away from Four Trees. "It's nothing, I'm sure it was nothing..." The fae scanned the area for a few more moments, then padded after her Domini. All of the sudden, she heard a voice.
Lydda whipped her head around and gasped, staring as a giant fiery object hurtled towards them in unimaginable speed. She gasped and felt terror course through her, all of her senses becoming pure adrenaline. "Kaine, run!" She howled at her leader. The She-wolf started towards her, only to be stopped as the ground began to shake.
The giant rock crashed into the earth. There almost was no warning providing that they only saw it seconds before the crash. Lydda was thrown off her paws immediately. For a few terrifying seconds she was airborne, her paws touching the wind, before she crashed back into the ground. Fortunately, she had landed into the nearby ferns several wolf-lengths away, but the fall still knocked any breath she had completely out of her. The She-wolf then lay on the ground for several seconds, trying to force the air back into her lungs. "What had just happened?" Smoke hung in the air, and parts of the ground laid charred. After a few heartbeats, Lydda slowly rolled over and got to her paws, cringing as sudden pain erupted in her skull. She could almost still feel a pressure, even though she wasn't lying on the ground any longer. "Where is Kaine?" She thought worriedly. "And the others." Trying her best to ignore her pain, she began to pad away in search of anyone else who was still around. "Kaine? Kaine!" She called desperately.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 16, 2014 3:03 pm

Arraine picked up a familiar scent over the smoke and dust her flank throbbed but she knew that scent. She hearted Lydda calling for Kaine she went to the she wolf and pointed her to where Kaine lay. Before heading to Phantom she jumped over several large piles of rubble before reaching him. “Your ok I've got you." She whispers soothingly she had never seen him whimper or show pain. Arraine grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him into the open. Arraine muscles shook visibly around her flank when she was done. She gritted her teeth “Everyones alive." She says quietly to him she was going to say fine but that was not the case. “Im so sorry" she apologizes bowing her head towards his. “What hurts?" She says in the same quiet tone.
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Candy Kane
Nomaria Dominant
Nomaria Dominant
Candy Kane

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 3:56 pm

Kaine snarled when she felt pain in her back which roused her from her slumber with a nuzzle of a wolfs muzzle and the commanding tone of a female wolf. Kaine opened her eyes to see that Amber stood above her. Arraine stood at the mouth of the bowl looking down with an incredulous look. Kaine wondered what she could be looking at, but when she tried to speak, she coughed with the smoke and ash entering her lungs. Her back wasn't broken, she thought, it must simply be badly bruised. She would have trouble moving.. The Nomarian nodded stiffly to Ambers commands, but she didn't try to stand.
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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 1:05 am

Phantom collapsed to the shattered Earth before his limp stockings could prevent stopping, causing his snout to butt against the dirt. "You're okay. I got you." His ears erected, throbbing snout turning to face his savior. His lip curled upwards, incisors bared in a warning, gold orange hues firing with hate and pain. "I got it." His body ached, but that didn't stop him from attempting to get up - which failed. His front legs wobbled, and landed back to the ground Phantom went. The stranger stepped closer, and Phantom didn't bother fighting back, and suddenly was dragged to the clearing with the survivors. "Everyone is alive." A quick scan of the location would have answered that, but Phantom simply replied with a curt nod although his teeth clamped together in pain. "I'm so sorry. What hurts?" Ears shot forward, and his hues met the she-wolf's with a questionable expression..almost sympathetic. "It's not your fault. My legs."
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 11:06 am

Arraine watched as Phantom looked at her, his eyes bore no sign of recognition she sighed maybe it was better this way. His voice snapped her out of thought “Its not your fault. My legs." Arraine tried to think of what to do her mother was a healer so she had some experience before beginning she looked into the males eyes “This might hurt like hell." She warned. She began with his forlegs feeling each with her paws, she concluded that there were no broken bones they just had been badly bruised. Arraine moved o his hindlegs repeating the process she didn't feel anything broken but she couldn't be sure. “Well the good news is nothing feels broken the bad news is your going to be hurting for a few weeks." She stood shakily the movement causing fresh blood to pour from her side.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySun Dec 21, 2014 12:41 pm

Amber was satisfied enough when Kaine had arisen from her slumber but did not stand. The western wolf found the voice of Phantom and saw that Arraine had found the male in a pile of rubble. SHe was getting impatient but if Kaine was immobile and others were too injured to move, then they couldn't go anywhere. She wondered what to do. Phantom had looked at her before moving away, the Somarian wolf following after him. Amber sat on her haunches again in frustration."This is so complicated."

Sorry, I lost the order of things I thinK, someone fill me in?
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 12:22 pm

Coal searched around the area and found that the blast had spread for miles and miles. Upon his return to the others, he saw that they had found the rest of the wolves nearby.'Good' he thought, 'now we just need to...' When Coal saw the site of the meteorite, only one tree and a deeper crater was left behind. Coal glanced at the others before looking back at the single tree below."We should move to safer lands. He said to no one in particular but loud enough for everyone to hear. He went to Phantom who was conversing with Arraine. The poor Western male had his leg 'tied'. He glanced at Kaine before speaking to him."Can you walk? We need to move away from here so that we can examine the damages more freely before we catch our death from all this smoke." Winter was also on its way...Coal feared this. Some injuries were deep and vulnerable to disease. He wondered what a healer would do. First step: Leave this place.
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Candy Kane
Nomaria Dominant
Nomaria Dominant
Candy Kane

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyFri Dec 26, 2014 2:02 pm

Kaine glanced at Amber when she thought she heard her say something. She thought wrong, and the female laid her head about her paws with limited comfort. Her side was painful, but she knew Amber was right. Staying here was a bad idea."Perhaps we should move on to a safer place."She muffled to the ground, but she spoke to everyone around her. Those who could hear her at least."Somaria territory isn't too far away from here." She sighed heavily then with such effort in speaking."I'll need help standing."She glanced at Arraine and Phantom then dropped her gaze to the ash strewn ground. She cough when she inhaled.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 27, 2014 10:26 am

Arraine stayed withhantom for a few more moments before slowly getting up the bleeding on her flank had slowed but it didn't hurt any less gritting her teeth she rose on shaking paws. She heard Coal's voice"We should move to safer lands." He barked hearing this and what the Nomarian domini had said shortly after she nodded. She moved to the injured female and helped her to her paws. The ashen female moved to Coal “Can we trust them?" She whispered low enough only he would hear.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 27, 2014 12:46 pm

Coal looked to Arraine when she approached him, asked him whether it was wise to move everyone to Somaria territory. He pondered this. Was it trully wise to move everyone, their enemies, to Somaria territory? He thought about the their injuries and their current states. Kaine could probably be trusted. Phantom was questionable. Coal glanced around before nodding to Arraine."We will lead them to Forgia Lake. The damage here shouldn't have extended that far. We will move out in five minutes. You alright to move freely enough?"He nodded to the others."Round everyone up and then we will lead everyone to safety." Even as he made the command, Coal was uncertain, but his voice was sincere. He didn't want to become a mass Murderer. They would move on, and then who knew what to do from there.
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Candy Kane
Nomaria Dominant
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Candy Kane

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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 27, 2014 12:52 pm

Kaine struggled to her feet while Arraine gave her a hand. She watched as the female went to Coal and the two of them spoke in hushed tones. She saw Coal nod and Kaine knew he must have agreed to her idea. She sighed, her back aching with the sudden jerk when she did. She wanted to lay back down, but Kaines lungs were starting to hurt."We should get going."She said in a neutral tone.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 27, 2014 12:57 pm

Amber felt disoriented. She wanted to move away from the stench of ash and soot, but no one had moved yet. Kaine had the right idea to be moving. Amber spirits lifted then as she watched Arraine help the Nomaria Domini to her feet."Week." she woofed. Then she narrowed her eyes as the two Somarian wolves retreated a distance to speak to each other. Amber moved closer to Phantom."Whats the play? Can we trust anyone if we move to one place together?" Phantom couldn't possibly agree. She would be outraged, and yet it was his call whether they go or not.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 27, 2014 5:01 pm

Hearing Coal's words she nodded heading towards a pile of rubble. She heard Amber mumble something but couldn't pick out the exact word. Climbing to the top of the pile so her voice would carry a greater distance “Alright in five munutes we will head to Forgia Lake its not to far of a walk ad your welcome to stay until you are well enough recovered to go home, whether you stay or come with us is your choice we can't force you to come." She said loud enough that her voice carried to all of the wolves. Climbing down the rubble and moving back to Coal. She coughed a few times trying to clear smoke from her lungs but to no avail. Her lungs were on fire and her flank hurt like hell. “I hope they make the right decision." She says quietly seeing the wound on Coals shoulder she winced it looked bad she would worry about herself later when everyone else was injured just as bad or worse.
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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 30, 2014 12:27 pm

Phantom rose off his haunches with gritted incisors, and bone aching tremors vibrated through his bulky frame. Gold orange hues wandered at the sight of company, then landed upon Amber who patiently awaited his cue, and the ivory brute gave a curt nod. The tawny femme sauntered closer after Araine had finished assisting him and departed from his flank, and his neck hung low as stuttering words spilled from his chops in a low whisper: "We're outnumbered now, but we can retreat to our own territory in search of wandering members who survived?" It was more of an inquiry than order, for Phantom had grown somewhat soft for the femme, but this wouldn't be shown right away. Or ever. 
A salmon tongue rolled across his maw, wiping away any blood that leaked from small cuts that buried within his dusty pelt. Shivers triggered down his spine, but it was more of revolt of the disgusting debris that lingered on his tongue along with iron fluid. "No matter what we choose, I hope its far from here. I wanna get the hell away from this place." Phantom murmured with a low rumble mended in his voice, as bile rose from his stomach at the sight of the destroyed area. "Immediately."
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 30, 2014 2:58 pm

Arraine looked to Coal her eyes held a mixture of fear and uncertainty from what she could see the Westerian wolves would not be joining them coming from the pack she could read their body language and expressions quite well “They're not coming with us." Her eyes locked with Coal's for a brief moment before looking at the surrounding area, everything was destroyed nothing stood, well except for the tree with all four crest from what Arraine could tell she was the only one who knew of the tree and what it held. “Are you sure you'll be alright?" Her eyes landing on his wound once more her voice shook as she spoke the filthy air filling her lungs the scent of the burning plants made her eyes water.
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 30, 2014 5:05 pm

Amber heeded Phantoms words. She understood that he wanted to leave, as did she.She glanced at the Somaria female who watched them from afar."They're spying on us!"She whispered harshly to her domini."Hoe dare they..."Then she remembered her place and looked at Phantom apologetically."Sorry..."
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 30, 2014 5:08 pm

Coal watched as Arraine made the announcement before she returned to him, watching the two Westerian wolves. He looked at her curiously. She informed him the wolves weren't coming, and he chuckled."They won't have a choice." He said, watching them as well. Then he smiled at her when she asked about his wound yet again."I will be fine." He nodded to Kaine."Lets lend her a hand and get moving."
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PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 30, 2014 6:27 pm

Arraine's ears perked at Coal's response her already racing heart beat faster and harder taking a breath before speaking though that did not stop her voice from shaking “We can't push them into an unknown territory if we do they could become hostile and put everyone in danger will you just trust me on this one please I was in that pack most of my life I know how they think and what they do when threatened." The smoke and dust in the air burned her eyes and throat she noded hearing Coals words to help Kaine. She walked to the nomarian wolf “We will be leaving soon if you're smart you would take your pack and come with us, if you need anything call me." And with that she left the wolf seeing she was steady enough on her paws. Arraine walked back to her leader stepping on a sharp rock she yelped in surprise she shook it off making it to Coal “Well this is by far the worst day of my miserable life." She mumbled hoping no one would hear but really didn't care if they did.
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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyTue Dec 30, 2014 8:54 pm

Phantom exchanged glances with his pack-mate with a somber expression, although his jaw ached from clinching it, the domini took a brief moment and glanced upon the other three wolves who whispered amongst themselves. "Spyin'? Well, they aren't doing a very good attempt at it." A small, mischievous chuckle escaped from his tense chops and his body eased with confidence as the ivory canine continued to stare down his targets like they were prey. "Another reason to leave, in my opinion." His tail raised as the brute rose to his limbs, then shortly shook his coat of dust and debris, then once again faced Amber with a genuine, but small hint of a smile. "Don't apologize. Let's go."

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Candy Kane
Nomaria Dominant
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Sacred Four - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sacred Four   Sacred Four - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 4:06 pm

Kaine nodded to Arraines words and the announcements she made about the packs going to Somaria territory. She glanced to Lydda, and gestured to the others with her nose."We will go with them." She wouldn't say anymore, for she was already tired on her feet. Her back ached but she would make the journey to SOmaria even to her very last breath."Lead the way."She said to Coal and arraine after she paused before them. She was already panting. She took a moment to glance at Amber and Phantom with curiosity, but she thought nothing more than her head would allow her to. The sooner they were away from that place, the better she would feel, and faster.

(Next RP post of whoever posts next should go in the topic I made in Forgia Lake. I will have the last post on the first post there so people know what Kaine said Smile I'll post with Amber and Coal latter on in the topic^^)
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